Cheap Date Ideas
The only good thing to come from this pandemic is that we have been forced to stay home, aka save money. And while there is light at the end of the tunnel with vaccines we all still need to practice safe dating, hookups, or hangouts.
The cheapest date would be a phone call or a zoom. This is the cheapest of them all since you don’t even have to leave your house!
Next would be a walk, hike, or bike ride. Getting some fresh air while also getting to know your match is a win win for all! It is also priceless!
Outdoor dining is back in most areas, so going to grab a drink or some dinner is possible yet again! This will cost you a little bit but going to a happy hour is always the best way to go!
When the weather is right, camping is a cheap weekend getaway and covid friendly, helping please everyone’s needs!
Create your own happy hour! Sit in your front or backyard and make your own signature drink with that special someone!
Game nights are free and keep everyone on their toes!
Netflix and chill it up! Get that movie marathon going and cuddle up with your boo!